Isleta Pueblo Voters Alliance (IPVA) started in June of 2020 with the mission to educate and empower our tribal members to vote during Tribal General Elections. Our vision is to provide a community platform that supports the efforts of educational voting, community outreach, and advocacy by encouraging and educating all generations to participate in tribal elections and to exercise their right to vote for positive change and true representation.
We believe in building relationships with our community members and we believe in community involvement. Community leads to unity and therefore we are committed to provide a safe and positive platform for our tribal community members.
With your help we have already accomplished so much! We brought together over 120 POI Community members over the course of 3 days to get to know our candidates. On top of that we have at least 10 volunteers, we’ve convened 6 IPVA community meetings where we’ve learned about community concerns, and we’ve learned about and responded to the POI Draft Election Ordinance. We have also gathered data to support our position to increase access to voting and provided suggestions on ways the tribe can do this with our help and also volunteered to help with election activities now and in the future. We have also uplifted and learned about the 2020 Census, but most of all, we are learning how to come together as a community to help one another create solutions and be the change we want to see.
As we move forward with the Tribal General Elections, IPVA has implemented a few codes of conduct and community agreements to our platforms. We want to continue to be a safe space and a platform that empowers our community.